Spier Methodé Cap Classique

by • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '11


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Description: Reflecting Spier Wine Farm's holistic approach, this sparkling wine's filigreed gold symbol was inspired by the symmetry and balance of Buddhist mandalas. For a closeup, go to http://www.simonfrouws.com/images/mandala.jpg or see the packaging by clicking the 'as seen on' link below.
As seen on: my website
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10352

Lets Discuss

lecart Mar. 17 '11

This is way too much for me, but it works very nice on the bottle.

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

Thanks everyone. I was debating whether to put it on LogoPond or not, because it blurs the boundary between design and illustration. Obviously not for use at small sizes!

firebrand Mar. 17 '11

Wow, shame the space can't do it justice.

AlexWende Mar. 17 '11

this is crazy, crazy good also! O_O

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

I really stuffed it into that rectangle, didn't I! :-)

logomotive Mar. 17 '11

%5EThat's fantastic!

firebrand Mar. 17 '11

Any chance of seeing a close up? Say a quarter of it?

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

I want to show it as it was on the packaging, as a full mandala. Out of interest, this was for a Limited Edition. Here's the more 'commercial' version, with a simplified coat-of-arms (although the foiling isn't perfect): http://www.wine.co.za/directory/winepicture.aspx?WINEID%3D24557

zephyr Mar. 17 '11

Really pops when done when metallic on the green bottle!

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

Thanks for your kind comments - Alex, Mike %26 Harris.

Type08 Mar. 17 '11

Straight into gallery of the 'Wine Label Pond'! %3B)

devey Mar. 17 '11

*whistle* That's nice!*

Sean Heisler Mar. 17 '11

Holy crap, that's nice!

JoePrince Mar. 17 '11

How does it look on a DVD spine?

andreiu Mar. 17 '11

works perfectly on the bottle! congrats.

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

joeprince - like a big gold blob! %3B-)

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

Thanks everyone! This took bloody ages to complete - about 16 working files, including one completely different option (with an historical slant) at the client's request.

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

If anyone would like to see the rejected option, check out: http://www.simonfrouws.com/images/mandala2.jpg

milou Mar. 17 '11

%5E After looking at the second proposal, I don't want to know how much do you charge per hour %3B-) Great job on both.

Sean Heisler Mar. 17 '11

Wow, that other proposal is killer as well!

logomotive Mar. 17 '11

Hope you got paid well for this project. :)

shanya Mar. 17 '11

fucken so much epta!

JF Mar. 17 '11

Shanya, why do you have an animated gif for your avatar that shows drug use? It's really not something I'd chose to project a professional designer's image myself. Curious as to why you chose something like that.

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

hey Mike, 22560kr.

Mikeymike Mar. 17 '11

Are you kidding me this is flippin' awesome. the unused version is incredible. the detail....WOW!!

barryconvex Mar. 17 '11

%22How does it look on a DVD spine?%22 %0D*%0D*Two options: You pathetic little clown are now able to name a more well-renowned publication than designanddesign http://www.designanddesign.com/share.php?id%3D13665%0D*you're published in or you keep your retarded jokes to yourself.%0D*%0D*%0D*

Chad Sanderson Mar. 17 '11

%5E Harsh. **On topic: Good lord. I wish I had this sort of talent. Amazing Simon.

barryconvex Mar. 17 '11

In all modesty, I believe that my comments are mostly above average, which is fairly easy because that simply means you can come up with a proper English sentence and / or a thought of your own. %0D*%0D*Unlike all those people who try to use %22dvd spine%22 as pseudo running gag, I have published academic articles on films, been on DVDs and been quoted by media that are little more important than logopond.%0D*%0D*Do you believe we all can do without another %22dvd spine%22 nigga speak-burp by %22Joe Prince%22? I do.

AlexWende Mar. 17 '11

@barryconvex: what?! ...**Simon the other proposal looks superb too, great details looks gorgeous on the bottle!

barryconvex Mar. 17 '11

If you could be just a little less vague, I'll try to answer your question. I hope you're not presuming racism on my part which is not the case. %0D*%0D*Concerning the logo: Yes, it is incredibly complex but I see no reason it shouldn't work (and it doesn't seem to be the standard trade mark logo). From the pack shot it's not visible, but I hope it gets printed with some kind of texture / embossed.

milou Mar. 17 '11

%5E JoePrince was reminding the classic LP joke, nothing more.

JoePrince Mar. 17 '11

Barry, relax man - just a joke.*@Simon, great work again. Really enjoying your showcase :)

cerise Mar. 17 '11

well and truly worth the %243500US they paid - stunny on the bottle

vergad Mar. 17 '11

i could look at these illustrations for hours. lovely lovely work mate.

palattecorner Mar. 17 '11

dont have any words to say:)

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

Thanks everyone. Whoaah ... interesting comments column! I'm rendered speechless.

Simon™ Mar. 17 '11

JoePrince - for another good example of irony / sarcasm / joke lost on someone, check out: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/131988

JoePrince Mar. 17 '11

%5EHaha just read it man - funny stuff :) Apparently nothing is humorous anymore. I just feel bad for those who can't take a joke. Life's too short, lighten up people. Cheers Simon!

alterego Mar. 17 '11

shark entered in the pond...

sbj Mar. 18 '11

love the details..

1ta Mar. 31 '11

Why is not this logo into the gallery?

Bernd Apr. 16 '11

thanx Simon … love YOUR work !!

logomotive May. 13 '11

This is one of the most well thought out pieces of art I've ever seen. Seriously Jealous.

Simon™ May. 14 '11

Thanks sbj, 1ta %26 Bernd.

Simon™ May. 14 '11

%5E%5E Wow, Mike. Your comment took me completely by surprise. To get such amazing feedback from such a senior (and supremely talented) member of LogoPond is a great compliment! I am forever grateful. Thank you sir! :-)

logomotive Jul. 24 '11

Well Simon it's like taking a bunch of tiny clever logos and rolling them all into one. Like the snowball effect.I don't know many if any that accomplish such a task.

Simon™ Jul. 25 '11

Hey there Mike - I like your descriptions as much as your work! Definitely no snowballs down here in Africa! %3B-)

sbdesign Jul. 25 '11

Simon, it's nice%5E)


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