Old logo. I was close to finalizing it when the business split apart.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Your best by far.. even surpasses Renita %3B)
Replyditto...this is your best work.
ReplyWow, thanks. I did not expect anyone to like it. Especially since it was never finished, all those gradients, etc. Again, thanks all!
ReplyI think there is too much detail in the totem pole, but I agree, I'm liking this one THEArtistT. Nice job!
Replygyui, yes. Like I said it was never finished. Maybe I will do so now.**And Firebrand, Ha Ha! %3B)
ReplyFireBrand, Fogra, GeniousLogo, OcularInk, LoGoBoom, SpartInUp, ItsGareth, PenFlare, Relevant, 24/7, Cerise and Tiko - thank you all for the floats! **I will be updating this logo. My husband mentioned to me that I should design a logo to represent our family and I immediately thought of this one. Half this logo represents me already. Bye, bye turtle and hello bear, ram, grouse and eagle. I will update this as I go. Thanks again all.
ReplyThis one is great
ReplyThanks Logotomy!
Replyi totally agree with everyone, this is your best work! very nice.
Replyjsae, thank you.
ReplyI like this alot :)
ReplyThanks Tiko. :D
Replygotta love it!**I totem all about you
ReplyThanks Raja. I'm have to remember that line. %3B)
Replyoooo! yeah I really like this! I like the font you've chosen for %22totem%22 and your colours are great in this! definately your best! :)
ReplyThank ya. I appreciate you.
ReplyYou suck too! This is a great illustration. I read your profile and I remember the %22The Secret Life of Logos%22 book, I tried to get a couple logos in and was rejected. Good job!
ReplyI'm surprised! Your work is better than mine. But I remember when I submitted for that book, what the author wanted more than anything was the 'how' part. How I went from concept to the final mark is what got those two logos in. As for this concept, I envision a lot more for it, but this type of illustration is very time consuming and I'm not the kind of person who can take a break once started. Thanks again and your stuff is just wonderful!
ReplyThank you again for visiting this old logo and finding it just inspirational enough to float. I appreciate it!
ReplyTrish, I missed this one, sorry :)
ReplyGeez Trish, sorry thought I had voted on this. Great illustration.
Replyheck, I'm surprised this gets any floats at all! but I certainly appreciate them, none the less! and I thank you, Rudy, Mike, all... thanks.
Replythis is your best :)
Replythanks Andreiu, for the comment and float. and thanks Jared for the float. much appreciated!
ReplySimply beautiful!
Replyand, again, thanks. :)
ReplyGreat illustration!
ReplyThank you Milos and Dima!
ReplyAlways liked this one.
ReplyThis is one of the best logos on this board.
ReplyThank you J-Nu. You have a beautiful website.
ReplyDang Trish, why haven't I commented on this yet? Great job, especially with all the details. This one must have taken you hours.
Replya few. thanks for the feedback. I'm currently in the process of deleting/adding to this. I'm adding a ram and a bear for sure. I'll upload it when it is done. plan on using it for a personal family logo for our family page on my website. that is being redesigned as well. just got a bunch of work, though, so may take longer than originally anticipated.
ReplyHoly cow! All those details in the totem.... Great job Trish!
ReplyThanks. And thank you for the float!
ReplyNice work
ReplyThanks Gareth. :)
ReplyOh! And thanks for the floats guys! Hmm, I've been out of the loop and am almost afraid what may have sparked such love all of a sudden...
Replylove it!
ReplyThank you Felipe. :)
ReplyGood to know you've been busy Trish, congrats on your pregnancy, I wish you all the best with that, visit us from time to time.
ReplyThanks Rudy. And thanks for the float Kirill!
ReplyLife is extremely stressful right now, but I am trying to get back into work mode (despite my physical condition). If nothing else I have a beautiful baby girl to show for it. Hope everyone has been doing well!
ReplyThanks all for the recent floats!
Replyabsolutely amazing!
ReplyThank you Nikita and Felipe!
ReplyTo Sean, Felipe and Roko, y'all are too kind. Thanks for the floats!
ReplyThanks for the float Jordan.
ReplyNice let%B4s float it..! Congrats
ReplyThanks Adrian, I'm glad you liked it. And thank you Stelian for the float as well!
ReplyAt even 50 floats! Thanks all!
ReplyMissed this one. real nice. great illy style.
ReplyThank you Taulant for the float. And thank you Mike for the nice comment and float!
ReplyThank you for the float Riz. :) Lovely showcase you have.
ReplyThank you for the float Eric!
Replymissed this as well, great one
ReplyThanks Colin. I'm done spamming the comments section now! :)
Reply%5E haha, i tend to do that from time to time...keep up the good work
ReplyThank you Ashley. :)
ReplyThank you for the float Kamil. :)
Replyvery good work, hope to see more stuff like this one
ReplyThank you and thanks for the float. Thanks to everyone who floated this recently!
ReplyGreat ill!
ReplyThank you Phil and Den for the floats. And thanks Den for the nice comment. You both have some great work yourselves.
ReplyThank you Juli for the float. :)
ReplyThanks Sergey for the float! Number 60!
ReplyThank you Hertz and Eddie for your floats. :)
ReplyDefinitely best of your showcase! keep going that way! :)
ReplyThanks Jure and Jerron for the floats, and thanks Paul for the nice comment and float. I still can't believe this unfinished logo is liked so much. It was never one of my favorites. Course it holds bad memories now.
ReplyThanks for the floats Alena (I've gone by the Lady Gray before%3B very cool!) and vsevolod. And thank you vsevolod for your floats on some of my other logos.
ReplyIts a shame this never got used!
Replyit was briefly. never to be used again unfortunately. thanks for the thought and float.
ReplyIs it Rokas? or Rokis? Either way, thank you for the float. And you, too, Gert. Sorry I missed you. Thanks for the float. :)
ReplyNew format is, um, takes some getting used to. What does Off/On mean?
ReplyThank you, Mahmoud. And thank you Paul for the float!
ReplyThank you for the float, J.
ReplyThank you for the float, Jaun. You have some great stuff!
ReplyThanks for the floats Nash and Yektapour!
ReplyThank you for the float, Tiago. :)
ReplyThank you, Michael, for the float. :)
ReplyHoleydooley! It took me so long to scroll down I forgot what I was going to say.
ReplyIt is a art.
ReplyThats why his nickname is theARTist :D
ReplyYES. Glad this made it to the gallery. Great work again, Artist!
ReplyGlad this made gallery!
ReplyWhat tha? David are you drunk?**Thanks all for the nice comments and floats. (you are all mad!)
ReplyFINALLY!!! good for you Trish.
ReplySo playful. Love it.
ReplyRudy, you are my biggest fan. (don't ever change!)
ReplyThank you. Thanks all! (still blippin crazy y'all are)
Replythanks for the recent floats y'all. hope all is well with everyone.
ReplyI used to try and thank everyone personally for floats, but it is just too many posts to wade thru. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate you. All of you. To the latest swimmers, thank you. :)
Replythis is beauty
ReplyThank you %5E
ReplyWow, hit 100 floaters. Thanks everyone. :)
Replyjesus, i freaking love it! :)
ReplyThanks. :) And thanks for the recent floats!
ReplyNice colors nice design!
ReplyThank you Peter! Love your stuff!
Replywowzers :) this is really nice!
ReplyThanks Aleksandra. And thanks for the floats guys. :)
ReplyThis is nice
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