Picaso Multimedia

by • Uploaded: Feb. 29 '08


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Description: Logo for a small multimedia studio. Please feel free to comment, and yes, it's "Picaso" not "Picasso". ;)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1197

Lets Discuss

beklad Feb. 29 '08

Maybe you know Manpower (agency)? Looks something like your logo.*http://www.brainfuel.tv/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/manpower.jpg*Doesn't mean I don't like it :)

alexpimienta Feb. 29 '08

Lol, you're right! It does look similar. Thanks for the comment! (%22,)

Lawrence Anderson Feb. 29 '08

Also looks like the macromedia logo. Not saying it's a rip off, just might want to differentiate it.


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