Third approach to the logo for a new "subcompany" of the company where I work (software development for hospitals and that kind of stuff). This "sub" will be in charge of develope systems for heart monitoring.
I'm currently looking for some advise and critics. Thanks!
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This one is OK, but, you need to eliminate some pixels and to accommodate them in order that one sees mas intentionally, in personnel the form of the letter %22a%22 in small letter does not help you in the reductions, and the letter %22A%22 in capital letter podria to be the letter V inverted like in the image. %0D*Regards.
ReplyGracias, de hecho ya solo estar%E9 trabajando con la segunda propuesta, ya que fue la aceptada y la que tuvo mejores criticas.*Saludos!
Replybuen efecto de pixeleado pero no creo que encaje mas bien seria para algo relativo a dise%F1o digital/vector
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