
by • Uploaded: Dec. 30 '08


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Description: logo for a concern that trades with jewels from ceylon. the mark is a modified sri lankan letter. type also modified.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1309

Lets Discuss

Black ColourBash Dec. 30 '08

Would love to see the mark above or even below the type, or maybe even a gold colour on the mark. Might give it strength...

annie Dec. 30 '08

yes, this was also my oppinion, but the client did not like it! thanks for your comment!

cerise Jan. 08 '09

The mark blends into the text too much and it's make it hard to read. Different colour mark needed for sure IMO....then it would be a winner

cerise Jan. 08 '09

OOOps damn clients...still looks great good job


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