
by • Uploaded: Jan. 11 '09


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Description: type updated, i think the handwritten style fits good to the mark // logo for mobile riding lessons near the "main"(river). colours and type will change a bit, i think.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1784

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Jan. 11 '09

If you use a script font with connectors, they should connect. Otherwise it looks like a mistake. The horse is fantastic.

annie Jan. 11 '09

thank you! i%B4m so happy that you like the horse, it was such a long way to it!*@epsilon:picasso is a great teacher, he learned me that less is more!

logomotive Jan. 11 '09

it reminded me of this one for sure http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/37899**but nice also.

LoGoBoom Jan. 11 '09

I love the horse with all its imperfections. My only issue would be the pose. Not extremely relatable to riding. But beautiful design.

annie Jan. 12 '09

@logomotive: there are also lines in the el paca, but i think it%B4s an other style. but also an animal. thx.

annie Jan. 12 '09

@logoboom%3B @tonfue: thank you for your comments!*i like the imperfection, too. i did not want to make it so clean. but i have not totally finished yet. *to the pose: this is not only riding, it%B4s riding lessons rather to understand your horse. i thought about the anatomy of a horse in a very abstract way. this is the reason for the lines and cause they got drive.

penflare Jan. 12 '09

one of my favs, great job!!!

alto Jan. 12 '09

Keep playing with the type. Great mark!

annie Jan. 12 '09

thank you for your compliments! i%B4ll keep playing with the type, on and on%3B)

ru_ferret Jun. 08 '12

Never seen this one before. Love it too!


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