Coach Ramirez logo + character pose 01

by • Uploaded: Jul. 19 '11


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Description: Fictional logo development for an Adidas-themed résumé. This is in no way affiliated with Adidas. A while back, Adidas Originals had an open Design Director position in their Portland HQ, and, being a lover of the brand, I decided to apply. To demonstrate not only my skills as a graphic designer, but also my knowledge and respect for the adidas brand and its legacy, I designed a self-promo booklet (a highly-conceptual adaptation of my current résumé) that is aesthetically inspired by adidas Originals marketing brochures. The booklet chronicles the accomplishments of a fictional alter-ego, Coach Ramirez — an adidas track suit wearing, afro'd, mustachioed designer — and is written as if he's actually the Design Director at adidas Originals. Click here to view my Flickr stream for full design rationale and additional images. Sadly, I didn't get the job, because I lacked the appropriate textile design experience :/
As seen on: ATOMICvibe Flickr stream
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3273

Lets Discuss

Rokac Jul. 20 '11

Love the adidas cookies:)*Btw Nice work, kudos!

atomicvibe Jul. 20 '11

Thanks for the nice comment Roko! Yeah, those adidas cookies were yummy, but MESSY. I didn't use the right type of icing (I used regular cake icing — which doesn't harden like cookie icing should), so at the end of the shoot, I had blue dye all over my hands. But the cookies were good, so I was able to overlook the fact that it looked like I gave a handy to Papa Smurf.

atomicvibe Jul. 20 '11

Also, updated this lil' guy to add some much needed shading. Also increased the type size.

Sean Heisler Jul. 20 '11

Agree with Roko, fun stuff!

atomicvibe Jul. 20 '11

Thanks, Sean! I appreciate you guys checking this out.


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