by • Uploaded: Aug. 17 '11 - Gallerized: Apr. '12


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Description: Purely for fun; this is an update to an illustration I did about 6 years ago for a Threadless submission. This is a parody of Oreo. The gag here is that someone took a big bite out of the Oreo, and now it's "bleeding." Figured you guys might want to take a look.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 9011

Lets Discuss

marscall Aug. 17 '11

ultra creamy!*a little less cream maybe? and not diggin much the position of the name... what if it was formed with the actual cream? lol i dunno, my 1 and half cent :)

Atomicvibe Aug. 17 '11

Thanks for the comments, Martin. This is supposed to be an Oreo parody, so make sure that the connection is clear for the viewer, I wanted to keep the logotype rip as close to the original as possible. I felt that distorting it, or making it flow into the cream would ruin the effect of the parody. Regarding the amount of cream, the gag is supposed to be that someone took a big bite out of the Oreo, and now it's %22bleeding.%22 so of course there is gonna be lots of it.

epicantus Sep. 26 '11

Aww...lovely design!

atomicvibe Sep. 26 '11

Thanks for the nice comment and float, Daria!

oski Sep. 30 '11

Agree ultra creamy!

atomicvibe Oct. 06 '11

I think it would be funny if I revised this illustration to incorporate the Keebler Elves floating around in the cream, as if it were a flash flood that they got caught up in.


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