Online baby shop. I still feel unsettled about the typography...
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I agree... The illustration is great, deserves much better type... Mabe a handwritten kind?
Replymmm, very good idea type08, thank you.
Replyyeah, a particular handwritten font should pull it together. good illustration
ReplyThis is SO gorgeous! love the texture on the bird.
ReplyReally nice style. The line work and texture are lovely.
ReplyThe illustration is beautiful. The type is disjointed from the mark. I might try handwriting the type in a style similar to the illustration. Also, with the bird so large getting type to work with it will be challenging.
ReplyYeah, Im with doughspin, maybe something that has the feeling of string, soft curves all joined. Awesome illustration though.
ReplyЕЕЕ! :) cool!
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