Bilebo 3

by • Uploaded: Apr. 07 '10


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Description: Third go on my personal logotype. The type kept basic because I want to use the symbol alone as much as possible, so the type isn't crucial. I also feel it fits me well. Conveys my style.
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Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6155

Lets Discuss

gary Apr. 07 '10

prefer this clean n neat type!

bilebo Apr. 08 '10

Thanks guys!*I added a gap in the B's too, if you don't mind :)**Like I said I will probably use the symbol by itself more often.*/The Artist Formerly Known as Bilebo

bilebo Apr. 08 '10

Thanks, Ferret and Houston! :)

Mikeymike Apr. 08 '10

very clean and strong. nice.

ethereal Apr. 08 '10

Very nice, like it a lot.

Art Machine Apr. 08 '10

Definitely better than the other one and the cut on the B's is a nice touch. Still I find the type a bit overpowering.

bilebo Apr. 08 '10

Thanks y'all! :)**Art%3B I've played around different sizes, but the symbol is so simple that it looks kinda clunky when it's big (in relation to the type). I might try some more tho! Thanks for the constructive crit! :)

bilebo Apr. 09 '10

Thanks, doods! %3C3 :)

Jonnyd Apr. 09 '10

Nice choice of type for this mark. It works a treat and taken a different tone from the red option previous. I just love it when a plan comes together.

michaelspitz Apr. 10 '10

Again, love the new ID!

bilebo Apr. 11 '10

Thanks errbody! I take it all in %3D)**logonot: seems like all simple logo designs have been done a couple of times %3D/ but I still feel mine stands a part enough from the MCB one.**spitz, I love you(rs)!*I would love a B covered in leaves! maybe next time %3B)*

bilebo Apr. 14 '10

Sorry for these mini-updates, but I had to remove those gaps in the Bs... They stole too much attention. Also cleaned up the type and made it slightly smaller.*Hope you guys are OK with this :)

Lecart Apr. 14 '10

Really nice mark, i also see you have great handwritten typography skills through your showcase.

bilebo Apr. 14 '10

Thanks a lot, Lecart! Really appreciate it! I really like your Sevda logo!**Climax: Wonderful! No need to produce my own jewelry then %3B)

mcdseven Apr. 14 '10

%5EIts a little similar to the heart the in the Habitat logo, but thats it, its a very nice self identity bilebo, well done mate.

bilebo Apr. 14 '10

McD, yeah I realized that too, but I'm fine with that :)*Thanks mate!

JoePrince Aug. 10 '10

This is very nice. Like how it turned out.

lumo Aug. 10 '10

agree joe. really nice.

bilebo Aug. 12 '10

thanks a loot guys!


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