Bogdan Vintila

by • Uploaded: May. 15 '07


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Description: Personal logo for my online portofolio as a designer. I tried to keep it elegant, because this is the way I work and am. Comments are welcomed. Many thanks to dache for his pozitive feedback! He is a very talented designer! Thank you!
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2814

Lets Discuss

mcdseven May. 15 '07

I read VB, if thats they way its meant to read, its very elegant. I like the combination of of both Type treatments. But the tracking is a little tight on Bogdan Vintila.

dache May. 15 '07

To clarify, I said it looked like V3 and it is a step in the right direction :)

bogdanv May. 15 '07

That%60s what I read also. But I didn%60t wanted to change the mark, and the problem is that VINTILA is my last name. So I can%60t present myself with my last name. And the domain name is also! So that%60s why I made this compromise. Thank you for your feedback!

OcularInk Jul. 12 '07

Very classy, my friend. I think if the part of the 'B' that connects to the 'V' were straight, this would be much more effective. Even so, nice!!

THEArtistT Sep. 07 '08

I may have missed what came before, but I don't see a 3 in there now. I like it a lot.


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