Grannen 3D

by • Uploaded: Apr. 12 '08


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Description: A 3D-version of my logo.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1573

Lets Discuss

gstaltig Apr. 14 '08

looks cool, but reminds me of the gnome logo.

grannen Apr. 15 '08

Hi, I see what you mean gstaltig, but I have honestly not seen the gnome logo before. I'm quite new at this forum (witch I really dig by the way!) and surfing around watching hundreds of amazing logos I discovered this to be a bit of a problem. Someone makes a cool looking logo and someone else surfs by and have seen a similar version or idea somewhere else. And I belive 99 times of hundred it's not made by purpose.**If someone built a database so you could crosscheck your colourchemes, forms and shapes etc. against others, it would be a huge hit : ) But I guess that's an impossible thing to create. **Anyway, thanks for the information and support!

gstaltig Apr. 16 '08

no problem, it wasn't ment to be offensive or so, just fyi. %3B%5D


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