Henrik (G) Jansson

by • Uploaded: Apr. 12 '08


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Description: This logo is for Henrik Jansson who is a guitar-builder. He wanted a mark he could use to "brand" his guitars. This "J" is made out from the type "Poesie Noire" and fontcredit goes out to Márcio Hirosse.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1893

Lets Discuss

jayred Apr. 12 '08

It's a really pretty mark, but unless it's silkscreened onto the guitar, won't you lose most of the detail?

grannen Apr. 13 '08

Thanks! No he only makes stickers that he puts inside them, it%B4s not printed on the actuall wood. So I think it works. I%B4ve only seen pictures of it, but it looked okey.


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