Foehn & Hirsch Brand Identity

by • Uploaded: May. 17 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: A significant rebrand for Foehn & Hirsch, an electronics brand supplying mostly consumer electronics, LCD's, DVD's etc. Sold exclusively via I have compiled a comprehensive identity process article for this brand identity rebrand.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 12978

Lets Discuss

birofunk May. 17 '10

%5Eagreed great breakdown of your process

mister jones May. 17 '10

Gallery material imo. Great mark

milou May. 17 '10

Agreed, this is just lovely.

JoePrince May. 17 '10

%5EAgree with everyone, just beautiful.

logomotive May. 17 '10

Nice detail work, ampersand is great!

OcularInk May. 17 '10

Man, how do you find the time to go into such detail with your process? Thanks for sharing. :%5ED

wizemark May. 17 '10

What Kevin said. Btw, really nice outcome.

epsilon May. 17 '10

Really nice.**Though the F%26H squared definitely looks like some well-known brand... anyone knows what I'm thinking about?

andreiu May. 17 '10

such a great design process - thanks for sharing. and the ampersand is really unique!

epsilon May. 17 '10

Follow-up to my earlier comment - it probably was %22H%26R Block%22: logo that I was thinking about.

brandsimplicity May. 17 '10

Love reading about your process Graham...sic work brother!

jerron May. 17 '10

The first thing I thought of was H%26R Block.

19MarksDesign Jun. 02 '10

love the mark! (typo in second line of explanation though:/)

19MarksDesign Jun. 02 '10

actually unless it's my computer, there's a couple

Hayes Image Jul. 13 '10

Just read the write up on this...great treatment on the ampersand. The outcome shows an incredibly focused creative process, as well as amazing restraint. I agree with Mr. Jones, gallery material.

logo design. Aug. 28 '11

Simple but solid. Really nice.

nido Aug. 28 '11

deserving of all its praise.

watermarker Aug. 28 '11

Nice work on the ampersand! Quite a quality!*But the solution with a simple square I find very weak in comparism.*Its too exchangable IMHO. And the ampersand on the other side falls a bit short in profiling. I would hardly have noticed your refinings on it, if I hadn't read your process report. Maybe it should used standing on its own somehow instead - as the mark that it is (its now a 'hidden mark'). However... congrats for gallery! :)

cnasshan Aug. 28 '11

Very nice. Already makes their products look 100 times more professional.

orca design Aug. 28 '11

Very comprehensive design process! Good work!

chanpion Aug. 28 '11

Rebranding as opposed to developing a new logo I find is 10 times harder. The stress in place is unbelievable. Great work.

cleber Aug. 29 '11

Great! I love it!

nathantrafford Aug. 29 '11

Absolutely outstanding typographic work, and a truly thought out and well-designed outcome. Very few designers take this kind of meticulous approach to typography and it is very refreshing to see. Sure the square is used in design fairly often (heck i've got two of them in my showcase), but you have to understand that this is a typographic logo and the block is only used to highlight that. The square isn't a concept (h%26r block being one of the few that could claim that theirs IS) and shouldn't bee seen as such. You'd be better looking at it as a different cut of the font family instead of seeing it as a block. Again, stunning professional work my friend.

juliandorado Aug. 29 '11

super clear work here!

idzine Aug. 29 '11

That is the definition of true logo design! Great work

camisa15 Aug. 30 '11

Nice work, in my opinion it works better like a law firm logo.

Mikeymike Aug. 31 '11

clean and solid. like!


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