flixed 1

by • Uploaded: May. 26 '11


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Description: movie marketing
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1843

Lets Discuss

Type08 May. 26 '11

Wonder which one is she watching! :) This is very cool!

kuentin May. 26 '11

Thx a lot Alen, it's still not finished requires some polishing on the illustration, but I need mostly opinions on which concept to choose for the final version, so I'm guessing your vote goes for this one %3B)

Type08 May. 26 '11

Yup, one hundred percent! :) By the way, the only thing that maybe needs some fixing is the upper lip, everything else seems fine to me.

kuentin May. 26 '11

Yeah, definitely the upper lip! I see couple more, but they're minor details, thx once more for your feedback Alen.

kuentin May. 26 '11

one more update, I think I'm getting close :)

Type08 May. 26 '11

It was stronger on the lighter background. Upper lip still bothers me a bit :(

kuentin May. 26 '11

Yup, it's stronger on the white background, but it gets more elegant and professional on grey imo. Tweaked that lip just a bit more %3B)

kuentin May. 30 '11

after a couple more updates…

Ino May. 31 '11

Very nice job. But I think there is some more work to do on the illustration. First the upper lip, the teeths should not be connected with the bg. Also i fell the the shaddow on the nose is to much. But still great work.

kuentin May. 31 '11

Thx a lot for your feedback I corrected the upperlip and trimmed a tiny bit that shadow on the nose, however I don't think I agree on the teeth part.

kuentin Jun. 15 '11

Thx Bernd! Nice to hear it.


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