MITA - innovations agency. You can see letters in the DNA.
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Logotipu kurimas
Client work
Lets Discuss
Best one so far IMO (that stands for: in my opinion) :)
Replyhehe, thanks for YO :)
ReplyAgree with Alen, this thing is bumpin'
ReplyOOh yea this is nice. That name is SO long!
ReplyGerai atrodo, bet itariu nelengva buvo su tais mokslininkais? siaip idomu, nes pernai irgi teko igyvendint du projektus - publika netradicinė:)
Replytikrai labai sunkus ir ilgai trukes projektas. gerai, kad viskas gerai baigesi :)
Replytaip ir maniau:) tokia jau ta publika. Na bet rezultatas geras.
Replyvery interesting)
Replytan sutil
ReplyThis is so nice / Muuuy bueno (Y)
ReplyWow such a beautiful design for such a mouthful to work with.
ReplyMaybe if you add more type, it will get added to the gallery. :)
ReplyWow, thanks for floats and tops :) Will put more recent works soon
ReplyThis get accepted? they would surely have a logo to be proud of. Well done Kugelis.
ReplyNop, unfortunately this was rejected...
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