Lithuania at Bologna Children's book fair

by • Uploaded: Jan. 25 '10


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Description: King whipsnake is a character from unique and very well known lithuanian tale. An owl is more generic character, it symbolizes wisdom (main function of the books). The whole composition is presented like a book. Page curl symbolically invites to dig deep into lithuanian children literature. 2nd place in national design competition.
As seen on: Logotipu kurimas
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7537

Lets Discuss

jerron Jan. 25 '10

It needs a white line between the crown and snake and the horns and owl, like how it is everywhere else.

kugelis Jan. 25 '10

I had a version with those white lines but it felt too disconnected... Thanks for comments.

creatorlord Jan. 11 '12

Interesting................ Great Work

analiaChavez1977 May. 08 '13

sumamente llamativo y bien desarrollado, pero creo q es mucho contenido, yo me quedar�a con la lechuza o con la serpiente, no lo s�. Una simple opini�n bie intencionada


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