Studio of Accessories

by • Uploaded: Dec. 11 '12 - Gallerized: Dec. '12


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Description: WIP. A logo for a studio that creates all kind of weaved accessories. In the logo you can see a weaved rose. Rose is a frequent decorative symbol.
As seen on: Logotipu kurimas
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 11210
Tags: flower rose

Lets Discuss

logomotive Dec. 11 '12

The squarish top kind of bugs me because I see a face. "nosie rosie" I like the artistic flare of it though. Maybe make the top part more triangular like the other petals?

kugelis Dec. 11 '12

hi, thanks for suggestion. definitely will work on it some more.

kugelis Dec. 17 '12

already in the gallery :) hehe, thanks. I was still looking forward to modify it. and I will do that :) It is still WIP.

Veneta R Dec. 21 '12

Love it, love it, love it

logomotive Dec. 21 '12

I think the updated version conveys petals better. Nice work

kugelis Dec. 21 '12

I still think to work some more with the line weights. At the moment waiting for the client approval. Thank you logomotive.

kugelis Jan. 14 '13

Another update. Final version now.

dre121 Apr. 02 '13

very nice work, what font is used here pls?

kugelis Apr. 05 '13

Thanks. The font is CK Higgins Handprint

Vergad Apr. 05 '13

I've said this a ton of times, so apologies if I sound like a broken record, but its something I pick up immediately when I see hand written style type. Tweak the letters that are doubled up so they're not identical to each other, even if its just marginally. This makes for a much more authentic hand written look, rather than a chosen font, which breaks that illusion that it's hand written. That little nit pick aside, I really like what you've done.

analiaChavez1977 May. 08 '13

muy bueno, no s� si v� la rosa de entrada, pero me hizo entrar, su portfolio es magn�fico


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