A.M.T. ceramics V.8

by • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '09 - Gallerized: Feb. '16


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Description: New version. More consistent and balanced. Check out my profile to see the whole design process. Logo for ceramic artist Agnė Miliauskaitė Tulabienė ---- the idea ----> 3 symbols - embryo, animal, fish - clay production. The whole abstract composition defines Agnė's style which is spontaneous & abstract clay art. Also there are 3 different stamps (with each symbol + AMT letters) which can be used to mark the clay products.
As seen on: Logotipu kurimas
Status: Client work
Viewed: 15255

Lets Discuss

ideoma Dec. 01 '09

i see what you mean, but the older version had a nicer visual tone, the fish was better, i think you shouldn't abstract the forms so much. the more evident eye is better though. nice work it's great to see works like this in the making %3D)

kugelis Dec. 01 '09

I appreciate your reasonable opinion. Thanks.

kugelis Dec. 01 '09

I see your point. But the idea is not to make all kinds of different shapes with overlaping forms. The idea is to to create an abstract (ink blot like) composition by connecting three forms.%0D*%0D*Here, the forms are more consistent and clear, you can more easily distinguish the symbols.%0D*%0D*The other one, which is in the gallery - it creates some strange, and a little bit complicated and uncontrolled forms while overlaping.%0D*%0D*Anyway its very interesting and useful to hear, that you like those forms. Thanks for your opinion.

OcularInk Dec. 03 '09

I like the other one better too. It had more of an organic/abstract feeling to it. This one, as David mentioned, seems more controlled.

JoePrince Apr. 29 '10

Looks just like a Strange design...I like it!

GreenInkStudio May. 24 '12

Lovely logo. I love the colors you used.

analiaChavez1977 May. 08 '13

esto es genialidad pura


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