Final version as I see it. Please let me know what do you think.
This is a bee. Wings, body and the eyes. The title - Efficient Design.
As seen on:
Efektyvus dizainas
Client work
Lets Discuss
conceptual hmm avangard. i love. good. font position and size - perfect!
Replyi like a lot the symbol but i don't feel it's connection with the type. i think maybe the type is too light for the symbol.
ReplyNice symbol:)
Replyobvio q es una abeja, pero una abeja �nica en su tipo!
ReplyC O N G R A T S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
ReplySveikiname ;)
ReplyLoving your portfolio, Giedrius!
Congrats! !
ReplyTotally deserved feature, congratulations
ReplyGrats mate!
ReplyCongrats on the feature Kugelis :)
Replygreat showcase and deserved feature. congrats!
ReplyCongratulations kugelis! Well deserved :)
ReplyIt is a nice surprise :) Thank you all for support!!!
ReplyGratz dude and welcome to the Club!
Replycongrats ...
ReplyB I G C O N G R A T S !!
Replywell deserved.
congratz, didEiausi sveikinimai
Replycongrats mate! :)
Replythis is just great!
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