AHOY Beratung

by • Uploaded: Nov. 30 '11 - Gallerized: Nov. '11


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Description: Well, this logo has now found its place and is in use by a client - couldn't be happier, as I've never thought it would pass the 'just for fun' phase :) Ahoy Beratung is a small consulting business for company founders. The office is located in Hamburg, a German harbour-city, hence the connection with ships and with the helm. The wheel is also a symbol of power and control - expressing the role of the consulting office, which gives essential advice to company founders so that they can head in the right direction. Concept: eight 'A' letters combined to form a ship steering wheel.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7109
Tags: consulting ship helm ahoy

Lets Discuss

jands Nov. 30 '11

secoond time ? However good logo and congrats:) !

mr.purple Nov. 30 '11

Thank you for the floats and for the kind words, people :)*Yes, I've posted it for the second time, because this is its final form.*It was not my intention to reach the gallery again, I just wanted to share my happiness.*Please advise, should I delete the first version? If so, I would only mind the nice comments.

ColinTierney Nov. 30 '11

well done buddy. congrats.

Mikeymike Nov. 30 '11

Congrats on the client approval and getting in the gallery. Both times. (:

Dan. Nov. 30 '11

isn't it great when things just work out! really happy that this one made the real world.

mr.purple Nov. 30 '11

Thank you Colin and Mike, appreciate your kindness!

mr.purple Nov. 30 '11

It is indeed, Dan :) Thank you for the support!

Ivaylo Nedkov Dec. 01 '11

Wonderful type work:)

chanpion Dec. 01 '11

Floated but sure glad this one didn't float away. Congrats!

mchl Dec. 01 '11

love this. love repeating the release in the 'A'

mr.purple Dec. 01 '11

Ivaylo %26 Michael, thank you for the kind words!*@chanpion: Thanks man, never thought it would actually come to the surface :)

Rokac Dec. 04 '11

Aaargh, straight to the gallery!:)

mr.purple Dec. 04 '11

Cheers, Roko - I see you fancy marine slang %3B)


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