Portal for fashion

by • Uploaded: Jan. 04 '11


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Description: Portal represents a fashion portal. Users can create outfits, disseminate, enter contests etc. Unisex. The icon represents the letter P with a circle showing the idea of gate/portal. the blue bottom segment it's built up to give the idea of a door, entering the portal. feedback is welcome. thx.
As seen on: -
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2209

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Jan. 04 '11

Is line weight thicker on the circle than it is on the P? It could be my eyes, but I think it would hurt if they match. Also there's great contrast between red-yellow, blue-yellow, red-blue, blue-green...but the green-yellow not so much. But with that said a gradient blend between those two colours might be cool.**I like this. :)


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