
by • Uploaded: Feb. 23 '11


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Description: One of my teachers who was German used to say to us each morning, "Moin!" This simply means "Hi!" or "Good morning!" Hopefully the idea of the horizon line with the rising sun is evident. Morning has a very soft, feminine feel, which is the reasoning behind the type choice. The coldness of the box goes back to German design. It was implemented as an upscale retail brand, but really could be anything. Would make a cool, german fruit company logo! © 2011 Nathan Trafford
As seen on: Moin
Status: Student work
Viewed: 3153

Lets Discuss

lumavine Feb. 24 '11

Love the ligature! Nice work.

barryconvex Mar. 01 '11

As I'm German, a logo with that name looks slightly funny her. %22Moin%22 is only used in the Northern part of Germany. It's mostly either a casual address by young people or (where it originates from) rural folks / peasants. I've studied in Northern Germany and the only time a professor would introduce himself saying %22Moin%22 was the linguistics professor.

barryconvex Mar. 01 '11

(I meant %22slightly funny here%22.)

nathantrafford Mar. 01 '11

%5E Ha! I think my teacher used to say it simply because we got a kick out of it. I loved that teacher. An absolute inspiration and one of the best designers i've had the privilege of knowing. And you have to have mad respect for somebody that worked for Mr. Vignelli himself.

nathantrafford Jun. 17 '11

updated to the purdy blue box

flit Jan. 04 '12

nice one, like it!


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