Proposed design for business coaching firm. I like the concept, but it needs polish - interested to hear suggestions...
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nice heart :)
ReplyReally nice, well done! The icon is perfect, colours great but the text is a little weak. Perhaps something sanserif, more curvy and bolder?
ReplyI love the simplicity of this one.**I'm with strengthening the text a bit, but apart from that, it's quite well executed.
Reply@ Climax**Bugger!**I had a look and the concept is clearly the same. However the execution seems quite different.**(I assure everybody that I have never seen Burlington's logo before: not sure how well Burlington is known in the US, but presumably they don't have any presence in Australia).**My client is an Australian business coach. Would you (and others) consider the existence of the existing Burlington logo precludes any potential use by my client of the mark I am in the process of designing?**And if so would that advice be made on the basis of potential damage to my client's business reputation, the ethics of designing (I certainly didn't copy it), potential legalities for him or me, a combination of the above, or something else altogether?**Obviously I was happier before I discovered somebody else had already designed a 'B/heart' logo. But given what I know at the moment (and I'm unsure how big a company Burlington is, and whether it is better known in Australia than I suspect) I'd probably still feel happy to recommend it to my client - with the obvious proviso that I would tell him I had uncovered a similar mark.
ReplyI think it's different enough, but I'd have something else just in case. I'm in Australia, and I haven't heard of them either, so maybe they haven't reached our shores yet.
ReplyThis happens, even to the BIG guys, see Quark vs Scottish Arts Council. . I think your mark is definately different enough to be presented to the client because the basic use of a rotated heart as a B would be hard to copyright. Especially when yours is made up differently, and much better IMHO
ReplyI think it's sufficiently different. Yours is more geometric in shape. You could change the bottom left to an L... maybe not.
ReplyFinal design %22here%22:
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