Logo for business consulting firm
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Nice and simple. I like it.
Reply%22Muchkin%22:*%22Burlington%22:**Just a FYI.
ReplyProbably too similar to the logos mentioned above. Your attention to detail is nice though. I like how the bottom part of the 'y' creates the dot on the 'i' in business.
Replyif you change the cutting to the left/up it could make also the %22L%22
ReplyJust for completeness for the %22too similar to...%22 crowd:*%22Belfast%22: has just released a new identity*%22A French hardware store%22:*%22Baby Boom Records%22:**The internet can cruelly force down one's throat how rare it is to have a unique idea or expression ...
ReplyNot to mention:**%22Rebtel%22:***I'll leave it at that, other than to say:*1) it was an original idea (in that I wasn't aware of any of the other logos when I came up with it)%3B *2) that none of the other brands have any presence in Australia that I am aware of (although Belfast might change this)%3B and,*3) the concept of love doesn't appear to be as central to the identity of any of the other brands as it is to Love Your Business
ReplyNice. Good choice of typeface, strong and a good contrast to the grass green of the logo. Brightens up business.
Replyi like it.
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