A logo for an independent film company.
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I really like this. An idea: put the type below on the same plane as the window?
ReplyThere is an idea out here just like this, almost identical, not sure maybe you did it it but it's out there. I know Vonster Von, made a comment on it once.It was done over a year ago.
ReplyI like it !
ReplyLogomotive,*This is probably the logo Vonster commented on. It's been in a few design annuals and books.
Reply%5Ewell it's awesome.
Replyyeah.. this is very good...
Replythis is awesome, great job
ReplyYup, that's awesome!
Replygreat one. i think if you try to use single pantone color and play with its percentage and white glow will be nicer.
ReplyWow, nice. Very suitable for cool animations.
ReplyWoW! how did I miss this!
ReplyI like the perspective on the insomnia outside the window.*The font typesetting looks good.
Replynice visual i like it dude.....
ReplyReally cool, definitely has that movie company feel to it.
ReplyThis is brilliant!
ReplyThis is great!
Replythis is my favorite logo i've ever seen. seriously
Replyi like it alot too
ReplyI like it very much, would make for nice print work.**
ReplyI L O V E I T*Put a smile on my face :D
Replyomg this is great.
ReplyVery nice!
Replybeautiful excecution and very original!
ReplyWow! An entire story told in a 2%22 square. This is what I love about logo design. Inspiring work we should all aspire to achieve.
ReplyI love this one. Great Job!
Replyalguien me puede decir que esto funciona en papel en peque%F1o tama%F1o o reducido, o en blanco y negro, o en serigraf%EDa... venga por favor esto no es un logo.**Muy bonita ilustraci%F3n y concepto eso si.
ReplyAmigo, seguramente eso es un logo. Pienso lo funciona bien en papel.Aperentemente no conocez los otros logos del industria del cine?
Replyi love it when logos make me stop and go %22hmm%22. this one is great and completely depicts a visual image of the feeling of insomnia. I'd be curious to know how this works on a white background though.
ReplyUnfortunately it can only live on a dark background. The film company has used the word mark alone when on light backgrounds.
ReplyAwesome concept.
Replythe best concept out of the bunch, nice job!
ReplyMakes me think of David Duchovny in a seedy motel room...perfect.
ReplySuch a brilliant idea. Kudos!
ReplyI always liked this logo. I remember it from a competition on a now defunct NCCA design site a few years back. As I recall, it did very well. Great concept and execution.
Replyque buena idea y muy bien logrado, fresco y novedoso, felicitaciones por el trabajo.
Replyinteressting and inspiring logo.*you could make a good logo-animation with it, too.
ReplyWow! I've just come across this one. Stunning and inspiring.
Replyi LOVE this! what a great read!
Replywow, that's realy creative
ReplyReally really good idea and execution! Amazing...
ReplyI've seen this in logolounge... love it. One of my favorites.
ReplyI was wondering what is up with that weird gravatar??? I know 5am is early and I'm not looking my best at that hour, but I hope I don't look like this! I might however make that face if I'm asked to do 100 pushups.*%3Ca href%3D%22
ReplyThat is a wonderful logo but did your client not mind that the words outside the window cannot be shown in full?
ReplyNicely done!
ReplyJust saw this one in action! such a cool logo!
Replygreat logo, congrats on the feature :)
ReplyInsanely good logo. I would like to see more of this kind logos on LP.
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