
by • Uploaded: Feb. 14 '12 - Gallerized: May. '15


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Description: WIP. I have to wrap this one up soon for presentation (bloody deadlines) so has anyone seen similar out there so I am not running into strife. This is for a home created system and handout kits that will assist parents in the improvement of speech impaired or delayed children. The mark comprises 2 speech balloons and forming a subtle 'Q'. I have searched online and many speech balloon logos come up but I have yet to find similar in concept. Thanks in advance.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 5707

Lets Discuss

lumavine Feb. 14 '12

Quiznos is the closest I have seen, and it isn't too close I think.

t-sovo Feb. 15 '12

look at subspeak logo but its a different concept :)

chanpion Feb. 16 '12

Thanks fellas! Uploaded another version for the pitch.

dotflo Feb. 16 '12

very nice play in the mark!

borinagge May. 29 '15

Really nice, chanp!

chanpion Jun. 04 '15

@Mariji @ Daniel, thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated!


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