Fine Liquor Refined

by • Uploaded: Apr. 28 '07


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Description: Logo revised. Thanks for everybuddy's input. Cheers.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 13698

Lets Discuss

guy Apr. 29 '07

like it a lot! great concept.

OcularInk Apr. 29 '07

Dude, I've been watching the progression with this one...looks great!! Very nice concept, Chan.

nido Apr. 29 '07

MATE I LOVE FORMULA ONE!!!**na im kidding!!! good stuff mate, like climax said 'very clean' %3B)

rccgd Apr. 29 '07

Nicely executed! Thanks for sharing.

ahab Apr. 30 '07

You nailed it! This looks much better.*Very clean.*

dache Apr. 30 '07

Unfortunately it reads more f1 than fl as nido has pointed out. We are visually endued in error due to the text appearing multiple times around the mark but when the symbol stands alone its f1. Very nice attempt.

juanda9 Apr. 30 '07

Exelente mucha creatividad, mis respetos para usted.

chanpion May. 01 '07

Thanks for everybuddies comments and input. Client has signed off on the above and I got my first payment instalment of Budweiser!**Thanks dache, I keep seeing the F1 reference too during the design process and it looked more evident in the first version with the 'l' looking more like the numeric counterpart. I had mentioned this to the client and he thought it was pretty cool that it sort of read as F1. He didn't even see the bottle image at first glance and was just happily shocked when he finally did! He was only a small operator and he said, 'Man, this is too good for the shop! Now I have to think about refurbishing the place!'**Cheers everybuddy!**Would love to know what Juanda9 said. Anyone?

nido May. 01 '07

dude she said:**'terrible...just terrible'**%3B)

Thomas May. 03 '07

Great! I love it! Very good work, as usual.

akitash Jun. 03 '07

Hello, this is my favorite of your showcase!

OcularInk Jun. 03 '07

juanda9 said: Excellent, a lot of creativity. My respect to you.

influxes Jun. 17 '07

I just loved the design.Its wonderful.Very creative.In fact, Logo Pond has the most creative group of people showcasing thier talent here. I love it!

chanpion Jun. 18 '07

Thank you everyone for your compliments! I have since collected my last instalment of Buds. The owner of this small bottleshop has received alot of positive feedback from his customers on the branding. He has also given me a 20%25 discount for life. Hmmm....I don't know whether thats a good thing. I wonder if he'll donate his liver to me as well : )

Gelbdesign Aug. 24 '07

really interesting work - fine!

artboy Aug. 29 '07

Very clever. Love it!

Sordoff Sep. 25 '07

You have good designs, as I mentioned elswhere. But this one tops 'em all. Very stilish. I'll donate you my liver for it if the liquor shop owners appears to be worth zilch!

koodoz Oct. 08 '07

Definitely my favourite in your collection.

andrendhiq Nov. 29 '07

always love %22hidden concept%22 really cool.

neverseen Mar. 07 '08

i prefer this version. great job

fogra Oct. 17 '08

Where have you gone to, Mr Chan?


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