The Frisky Goat v2

by • Uploaded: Feb. 27 '12 - Gallerized: Mar. '12


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Description: As the location of this coffee house is on the ground floor of an office building, a more 'corporate' style was requested. So I did this retro approach but with a hint of 'naughtiness' thrown in. Pay careful attention to the positioning of the hoofs/coffee beans. I call it subtle friskiness ; )
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 6352

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Feb. 27 '12

Hi Norman ... like this great piece!!

chanpion Feb. 27 '12

Thanks Bernd, Sende, Rudy and all floats. The client is quite taken by this version.

kreaton Feb. 29 '12

very nice - clean and solid mark!

balic Mar. 06 '12

Beautiful style and I like the subtle friskiness :)*But I must say that I LOVE that crazy goat in V1!

ColinTierney Mar. 06 '12

norman, great job with this project man. specifically the containment worked out brilliantly.

garychew1984 Mar. 11 '12

very very nice. I like the type setting, very very nice!*

chanpion Mar. 11 '12

@Nic, Piotr, Luka, Col, Doc, and Gaza, thank you for the compliments my friends. Unfortunately the client still has not decided which version he wants to go with. Should I ask him to fix up the balance first? %3B)

baspixels Apr. 24 '12

great composition :)


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