Lucky Lover

by • Uploaded: Aug. 19 '09


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Description: Lucky Lover is a new online dating website for people in search of the perfect couple. The mark portrays two hearts, on top and bottom, meeting each other and forming a four-leaf clover. Lucky Lover is the place where love & luck join together just for you! 2009 © José Manuel Contreras.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2620

Lets Discuss

tass Aug. 19 '09

Awesome, smart and extremely beautiful piece!

j-CAZ Aug. 19 '09

I agree, this is a great concept. I was thinking, when I turned my head to the side I could still see a sort of heart shape but not the same as when you view it normally. Do you think this could be designed to have perfect radial symmetry?

JMC Aug. 19 '09

Thank you very much for your comments. j-CAZ I was wondering the same but in that case we wouldn't be talking about a couple...but an orgy hahaha! I'll give it a try.

hitbyreindeer Aug. 19 '09

muy bien logrado! directo a favoritos :)

JMC Aug. 19 '09

Muchas gracias hitbyreindeer.


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