In the fall of 2006 I was hired by one of the premier basketball clubs in Denmark, Bakken Bears, to craft a design for a local derby, between the two the local clubs in Aarhus.
The name - Sporveje•Serien - translates to "tramway series" and is a play on the legendary Subway Series in New York. As there is no subway in Aarhus, but used to be a tramway, the name was a given.
The idea was to build an identity which could propel a marketing campaign, aimed to generate a lot of hype and attract as many spectators as possible. The design outset was old public transportation logos, and going back to the time where there actually was trams in Aarhus. Of course in an updated version with basketball insignia included, as well as the city skyline.
Basketball is (unfortunately) not a big sport in Denmark, so the average attendance in the best league is below 500 per game. The club set everything in to make this the biggest game ever. 20000 postcards was printed and distributed in the city of Aarhus. Posters were hung everywhere, and there were even ads on the local TV station.
The result did not disappoint. The game set the record for most Danes at a basketball game with more than 4000 attending, and the atmosphere was very very good. The home team being down 10 points with 2 minutes left - and ending up with the win - also helped transform this game into a legendary event in Danish basketball history.
Mission accomplished - and then some!
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