This was a 2004 hobby project of mine for me and my homeboys.
Now, before you go all #NERDALERT# I just want to mention that we're all adults who have lots of other stuff in our lives, like wives, kids, jobs, etc. But - we do embrace the nerdiness, those two times a year when we meet up and shoot each other. In games, that is!
We wanted to make a spoof on the biker culture to enhance the sarcastic element of the whole clan aspect - which is a very serious matter for hardcore gamers - what in turn means: Absolutely not for us.
I designed the logo and the rest of the t-shirt, and the cool looking website was done by Kenni Rau, who also happens to be one of my very best buddies!
As seen on:
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Lets Discuss
I really like the flame and the lettering... The skull kinda reminds me of the one @ Jinx.
Replyhaha cool...*
ReplyI just looked at the Jinx one now, and I honestly never realized that their skull had glasses also! When I did this one, the skull was inspired by the ones you typically see on bottles with toxic liquids (atleast the ones here in Denmark) the ultimate nerd symbol: The heavily framed glasses. **As such I don't think the idea is particularly unique - it's pretty straightforward. And after all, this was only a hobby project :-)
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