Hidgehog Creative V2

by • Uploaded: Jan. 23 '09


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Description: I've been getting great comments about my original and I thought I'd try giving the hedgehog a different personality. Less hostile and the overlapping of the spikes are more consistent. Also, the font is slightly different using Kozuka Pro. I was considering the use of 'VAG Rounded' to match the roundness of the spikes.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1201

Lets Discuss

DeathRightz Jan. 23 '09

I love it!! i think the spikes look amazing.. great changes, i think you have a high quality logo!!

grabbdesigns Jan. 23 '09

this logo has developed really nicely! great job narkeeso!

zink Jan. 23 '09

I am staring at both versions and can't figure which I like most. This one has a more order in the spikes, but it lacks somehow the look of the hedgehog that was visible in the first version. And also I don't think the font matches the spikes now, which are more rounded. I'm not giving you any more suggestions because I believe this is a good work and I don't want you to ruin it because my -little- experience (and talent) said something...

narkeeso Jan. 23 '09

Thanks for the comments guys!**@zink**I just updated V2 with longer spikes. They were stubbier and looked more like an armadillo. Tell me what you think now.**Take a look at V3 Skinny http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/51420**Thanks again for everyone's comments and critique!

zink Jan. 23 '09

Maybe it's the layout of the spikes that makes it look fake. The first variant resembles a hedgehog more, and also it has some personality, from what I see. I think the effect of the more aggressive hedgehog is more stylish, and also the font has to be supporting of the %22creature%22's design.

zink Jan. 23 '09

Try and see a smaller picture, or look at it from a distance, then you can see what the real effect of the logo is. The first one also connects nicely with the type.


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