Hidgehog Creative V3 Skinny

by • Uploaded: Jan. 23 '09


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Description: I wanted to try something different other than being so bold. So... I made it thinner. I think it works if I'm going for the sharper look. What do you guys think?
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1222

Lets Discuss

zink Jan. 23 '09

It's just me again, but I kinda like the first version out of these three variants. Keep up the good work, and I would like to see your other works.

narkeeso Jan. 23 '09

@zink Thanks for your encouragement and comments. I'm torn between this and V2*

itzsuzan Jan. 24 '09

Hi,**I really really dig this one. I like the spikes (more spiky here) and the the eye of the hedgehog being the dot of the i. Nice!**Suzan

ice-horse Jan. 24 '09

very nice work, what font is that? love the colors, too!

narkeeso Jan. 24 '09

@itzsuzan**Thank you! I am really starting to like this one the most. I am able to keep the simplicity of V2 without it looking like a chunky armadillo.**@ice-horse**Thanks! The font is Kozuka Pro.


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