cyb, internet services

by • Uploaded: Jan. 26 '08


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Description: BACKGROUND: CYB is the local internet hosting provider of the city of Rethymno. It is a small company that specializes on building websites, online promotion and internet services in general. The company exists 5 years now and it recently needed a brand new logo for their identity. CHALLENGE: Technology, state of the art equipment and knowledge beyond the seas surrounding the city were a few things that required to be symbolized in the new visual identity of cyb. SOLUTION: The circle is the basic element used by the logo to present the �key� in four different ways. These keys symbolize the main 4 ideas behind the company. There is much harmony and the logo itself is very isometric . The mauve color was applied in order to visualize the amphibian presence of the company between the virtual world and the real one. The design of the name of the logo was chosen to be bold in order to make a strong impact in a small town. The character is efficiently chosen to be lower case since the low profile of the personnel project extra important values of the way the company thinks and runs. The picture of the logo has a contemporary look in order to that state of the art technological meanings the were required by the client. RESULT: Print ads that run on local magazines were designed, the company�s web site was built and designed from scratch and the new marketing presence of the company awaits to be projected.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2143

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