M40ON 40th Anniversary

by • Uploaded: Mar. 21 '10


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Description: A celebratory logo for the 40th anniversary of man landing on the moon. --- A revised version of the original I did last year.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5395

Lets Discuss

tass Jul. 28 '10

Looks beautiful!

tass Sep. 04 '10

Once in a while, at various searches this comes up to my eyes, and i really have to stop each and every time for a few moments to admire it. I guess i like the presentation a lot too, but the overall result looks amazing to me!

jencreatesthings Nov. 05 '11

Gorgeous and interesting. Makes me want to know more. Exceptional!

oias Nov. 08 '11

AWESOME!*Balance, shadows, textures, etc.*Brilliant Logo!


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